
[Special Collab Album Review] EXO – XOXO (Repackaged)

EXO - XOXO (Repackage)

I apologize for the delay but this was a long and special review so it required some time! For this review, I collaborated with one of my best friends, Karen, who has been part of the EXO fandom ever since their teaser era so I wanted to have someone who is well-versed with EXO to give their opinions on the album. Karen and I have both written about our thoughts on various aspects of this release and so, with our combined opinions, we hope this will be a rather comprehensive review. Thus, this will be a longer post than usual so feel free to skip around and check out sections that you are interested in. As usual, I have my TL;DR section at the very end so you can skip down there to see which tracks Karen and I recommend and you can read up on those songs accordingly. To make it less confusing, my sections will be in black and Karen’s sections will be in navy blue. 

Hi I’m Karen, I’m Jimmy’s friend and an avid (rabid) EXO fan, and I’ll be joining him on this adventure into the perfection that is XOXO. I definitely won’t be as thorough as him (mostly because my scholarly knowledge of music is nonexistent) but hopefully I won’t be too bad. I’ll be focusing mostly on the M versions of the songs, since I generally prefer them over the K versions (mostly because I understand Chinese to some degree can understand them).
